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Less is more so kill the clutter

Less is more so kill the clutter

If you put your hand onto a hot stove you would not be surprised to burn it. That’s obvious I hear you cry.
And if you go for a stroll when it’s hammering down with rain you’ll get soaked, right? Duh, of course, you’re now probably thinking ‘tell me something I don’t know’.
However, it’s also pretty obvious that if you put your property on the market and it’s filled with clutter it is a much harder home to sell.
It makes your home look smaller and I’ve never had a potential buyer say to me ‘I’m looking for somewhere really small and cluttered’.
Sure we deal with lots of people downsizing but they still want ample space to live in and enjoy.
We recently surveyed the team in our office asking for their top property tip.
Leading the way by some distance was the vital importance of keeping a property clean and clutter free when people are coming round to view it.
You want viewers to marvel about how big your bedroom seems not be turned off by the fact there’s no floor space due to unnecessary items left everywhere.
Less is very definitely more in this scenario as untidy properties tend to stay on the market a lot longer than smart, clean and tidy ones.
So spend a bit of time decluttering your property before it goes on the market. If you have items you can’t part with, put them into storage. Just don’t leave them lying around for a potential buyer to step over.
The few hours you spend ridding your home of unnecessary clutter could make you thousands in an increased sale price.
Put simply, space sells, clutter doesn’t. It sounds obvious but many people dismiss this advice.
Our team at Victor Michael are always delighted to answer any of your questions on preparing to bring a property to market successfully.
Thanks for reading.

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